KPI in succesfull project management
KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. These are units of measurement that show how a given unit performs. “Measure everything that is measurable and make it measurable that is not yet,” Galilei said. His work brought about a scientific revolution when, as the first, he made experiments quantitative. KPIs are your way of measuring your projects and making them quantitative.Read more about KPIs further down the page and find more information and tools from airborn leadership.
Power in Projects, Programs and Portfolios
bookSee moreThis book is the international version of the best selling Danish project management book: “Power i projekter og portefølje”. Several Danish universities, higher educational institutions and private course providers use the book. The book covers the most important subjects in IPMA certification and has a very practical approach to the project manager role, providing online access to more than 30 useful tools and templates.
Half Double
bookSee moreThe book describes the Half Double method which creates projects with double effect in half the time. Studies show that 86% of the projects using the method reach the success criteria. The methodology has been co-created by 1 consultancy, 3 universities, 17 companies and more than 1,400 dedicated project practitioners. The book is written for all the other passionate project practitioners out there.
Hierarchy of objectives and Impact case
toolSee moreDownload the tool and prepare a hierarchy of objectives or an impact case. The hierarchy of objectives and impact case describes the desired impacts the project must achieve with SMART formulated objectives. It is an essential part of the project definition and is a kind of requirement specification of the project impact. The hierarchy of objectives creates a connection between the project’s deliverables and the impacts. The impact objectives are defined on the basis of a situational analysis to ensure that the project creates the desired return on
Impact Tracking
toolSee moreDownload the Impact Tracking tool. This ensures that the project creates the impacts described in the hierarchy of objectives or impact case. Only through quick feedback loops and proactive follow-up you can secure the project’s return on investment. The tool provides early warning when the impacts do not develop as planned. The Impact Tracking ensures that the benefits are realized as planned. The impacts are measured in the following order: New competencies, behavioral changes, immediate business effects, effects on medium and long term.
Milestone plan
toolSee moreDownload the tool and see how you as project manager develop a milestone plan or master plan with the project team. The tool describes how a proactive project leader facilitates the planning in the project team, so that you at the same time conduct team building and build quality in the plan. The tool shows how the planning is based on the project scope described in the objective hierarchy. The project plan is built up in workstreams with short feedback loops so that a proactive follow-up is possible.
Milestone Description
toolSee moreDownload the tool and describe the milestones precisely. The milestones are the results during the project. A consistent project follow-up is only possible if the milestones are well defined and SMART formulated. A good milestone description includes a definition of the condition to be achieved, the deadline and who is responsible. The description must include the assumptions on which the milestone is based and the requirements that the milestone must meet, how it is tested that the requirements are met and who should approve the milestone.
Understand the uncertainty throughout the project
theorySee moreWe can reduce the internal uncertainty of the project. The uncertainty in the surrounding organization and externally does not disappear
Design the project for impact
theorySee moreIf you wish to achieve strategic impact you need to build a bridge between deliverables and impact
Make decisions in a good way
theorySee moreFour strategies for making optimal and legitimate decisions without wasting time
Understand the uncertainty throughout the project
theorySee moreWe can reduce the internal uncertainty of the project. The uncertainty in the surrounding organization and externally does not disappear